The Reverse Job Board for Go developers

From the Developers’ perspective

  • Developers’ resume gets lost in the ocean of Resumes with each company.
  • Standing out becomes difficult.
  • The HR people literally can’t remember all the good candidates or locate their resumes from a pool of 10K applications.

From the company perspective

  • Companies spend a lot of time and resources looking for a good employee.
  • Every week more than 10 man-hours are lost on an average.
  • A company can lose up to 100 man-hours for finding one good candidate.

Where do we come in

  • We are going to vet the skills of golang candidates before they appear for the interviews.
  • This helps the company locate the right candidate much faster.
  • We prep the candidate on the technical side of the interview.
  • After gauging the candidate’s potential and the company’s offering, we can make a great match for both sides.

What do we NOT do

  • We don’t match developers and companies randomly
  • We don’t refer blindly; neither companies to devs nor devs to companies
  • We don’t do head-hunting.
  • We make sure that the candidate is truly what he says he is on his Resume!

Setup a meeting

Whether you are a candidate or a company, you can schedule a 15-minutes call with us using this link to get started.